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Privacy Policy (GDPR)

The owner of the brand, including stationary stores and the Online Store operating at:

Reg.Nr. 50203284171
VAT Nr.: LV50203284171
Legal Address: Bauskas Street 58A-15, Riga, LV-1004, Latvia

Whenever in the content of this document (hereinafter: "Policy") terms such as us, ours or other of a similar nature are used - they mean the owner of the Online Store (hereinafter: "Store").

Detailed information on the services we provide in the Store can be found in the Regulations of the Online Store.

The policy is informative - its purpose is to inform people visiting our Store and people using our services about:

• rules for the processing of personal data,
• rights related to the processed personal data,
• cookie policy.

The basic legal act in force in the field of personal data protection is Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95 / 46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation) - hereinafter referred to as "GDPR".
We want the information provided to be as useful as possible. Therefore, in order to achieve greater transparency, in the rest of the Policy, we will address you directly (in accordance with the netiquette). If you have questions or concerns regarding the processing of your personal data, you can write to us at: E-mail:


The processing (including collection and storage) of your personal data will be carried out by:

Reg.Nr. 50203284171
VAT Nr.: LV50203284171
Legal Address: Bauskas Street 58A-15, Riga, LV-1004, Latvia

being the Administrator of your personal data (hereinafter referred to as: " Administrator ").

Full contact details of the Administrator:

Reg.Nr. 50203284171
VAT Nr.: LV50203284171
Legal Address: Bauskas Street 58A-15, Riga, LV-1004, Latvia


The Data Protection Officer at the Administrator's is
Reg.Nr. 50203284171
VAT Nr.: LV50203284171
Legal Address: Bauskas Street 58A-15, Riga, LV-1004, Latvia

You can contact our data protection officer via e-mail


In connection with the use of the Store, the Administrator collects your personal data:

• with your prior consent (Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR) - in this respect, your personal data will be processed for marketing purposes (except for data processing for direct marketing based on Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR).
• in order to perform a contract to which the data subject is a party, or to take action at the request of the data subject, before concluding the contract (Article 6 (1) (b) of the GDPR), in the scope of contracts for the provision of electronic services in particular: Customer Account (including in particular enabling the use of functionalities such as placing orders, making payments, managing your account, solving technical problems, handling orders directed to the Store service), Newsletter, Order Form and in the field of sales contracts.
• when it is necessary to fulfill the legal obligation imposed on the administrator (Article 6 (1) (c) of the GDPR), including: obligations arising from tax and accounting regulations, the Act on the provision of electronic services.
• when it is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the administrator or by a third party (Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR).


The administrator processes your personal data on the basis of art. 6 sec. 1 letter f of GDPR, i.e. for the purposes of implementing the legitimate interests of the Administrator or a third party, which include:

• handling complaints regarding the operation of the Store, if you make such a complaint;
• implementation of direct marketing of the Administrator's products or services consisting in monitoring your activity in order to match the advertisements displayed to you in accordance with the products you previously viewed;
• conducting direct marketing of the Administrator's products or services, including personalized marketing activities carried out in the form of profiling;
• carrying out direct marketing by contacting you, available communication channels (however, in the case of communication via electronic means - such as e-mail address or telephone number - only with your consent or request to provide the service):
• handling payment services used to make payments for goods purchased in the Store;
• ensuring the safe provision of services by electronic means, including by enforcing compliance with the Store's rules set out in the Store's Regulations and preventing fraud and abuse, and ensuring traffic safety;
• monitoring your activity in order to carry out analyzes, among others, in terms of the functionality of the Store, improvement and development of its operation, introducing amenities / new functional solutions, compiling statistics;
• conducting court / out-of-court proceedings;
• for archiving purposes and demonstrating the Administrator's compliance with the obligations arising from legal provisions.


The recipients of the data, i.e. the entities to which the data will be disclosed, are: entities processing personal data on our behalf, i.e. IT solution providers, entities supporting our marketing activities, persons who - under our authorization or the processor - may process personal data ( employees / associates) but also third parties providing payment, courier, legal and postal services.


1. Personal data processed on the basis of a separate consent (Article 6 (1) (a) of the GDPR) will be processed until its revocation;
2. Personal data processed in connection with the conclusion or performance of the contract will be processed for the duration of the contract concluded with you, and after its completion, until the end of the limitation period for potential claims under the contract in accordance with applicable law on limitation periods;
3. Personal data processed in connection with the implementation of obligations under the law, e.g. tax and accounting, the provision of electronic services, will be processed for the period specified in the law imposing specific obligations on the Administrator or until their fulfillment.
4. The processing of your personal data based on the legitimate interest of the Administrator (e.g. direct marketing, profiling, analytical purposes) will be carried out until you object to data processing for these purposes (in accordance with point IV above), unless the Administrator proves the existence of valid and legitimate grounds for processing that override your interests, rights and freedoms, or grounds for establishing, investigating or defending claims The processing of personal data for marketing purposes will be carried out for the duration of the contract or until an objection to such processing is raised.


You have the right to:
• requests from the Administrator to access their personal data, rectify them, delete them, limit processing, as well as the right to object to the processing and the right to transfer data.
• withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing which was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.
• lodging a complaint to the supervisory body, which is the Office for Personal Data Protection.
Providing your personal data by you is voluntary, however, providing some data is necessary for the conclusion and performance of the contract for the provision of electronic services (e.g. setting up an Account and using its specific functionalities) or sales. Failure to provide certain data may result in the refusal to conclude a contract for the provision of electronic services or the inability to perform it correctly.


We will also process your personal data in an automated manner (including in the form of profiling). The processing of your personal data in an automated manner will not lead the Administrator to make decisions based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which could have legal effects on you or similarly significantly affect your situation. Profiling your personal data will boil down to processing your data by using it to evaluate certain information about you.


1. At any time, you have the right to object - for reasons related to your particular situation - to the processing of your personal data based on a legitimate interest carried out by the administrator or by a third party, including profiling carried out on the basis of this provision. Then we will no longer be allowed to process this personal data, unless we demonstrate the existence of valid legally valid grounds for processing, overriding the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject, or grounds for establishing, investigating or defending claims.
2. In addition, if your personal data is processed for direct marketing purposes, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data for the purposes of such marketing, including profiling, to the extent that the processing is related to such direct marketing.


Like everyone else, we also use cookies in our Store. Remember that cookies collect information about every person using the Store (hereinafter also referred to as the "Website"), regardless of whether you are a customer of the Store (e.g. whether you have a customer account or purchased goods).
It should be remembered that the scope of information stored in cookies varies depending on the way of using the individual functionalities of the Website. Below you will find detailed explanations of the Administrator regarding the cookies used.

What are cookies and what are their types? Cookie (cookie, http cookie) - a small file containing IT data, saved on the end device (such as a computer, telephone, tablet) of the website user. Cookies primarily store settings and other information used on the visited websites - thanks to which it is possible to display websites tailored to the user's preferences, use specific functionalities of these websites or personalize their content. Due to the time of operation, we can distinguish two types of cookies: * session cookies - they expire after closing a given browser session (the period from opening the browser until it is closed); * permanent - they do not expire after closing the browser session and remain in the user's device for the period specified in the script.

On what basis do we use cookies? The use of cookies is possible based on the consent of the User visiting the Website. The default settings of web browsers (or similar software) allow cookies to be placed on the user's end device. Of course, the default settings can be changed by the User, e.g. by blocking certain cookies or deleting them (see point 4). However, it should be remembered that if cookies are blocked or deleted, the use of the Website may be difficult or even impossible. The main purpose of our use of cookies is the optimal presentation of the Store's offer.

For what purposes do we use cookies? Cookies are very diverse in nature. Some of them are necessary for the functioning of the Website, others only to use certain functionalities or are used for advertising, statistical and analytical purposes.

The cookies, the operation of which is necessary to use the Website, may include, in particular, cookies that allow you to maintain and save the state of the user's session, login authorization, the operation of the online basket when making purchases in the Store, monitoring the availability of services.

In addition, we use cookies that facilitate the use of the Website, but are not necessary for its functioning. These types of cookies include files that enable: maintaining the user's login session, saving to cookies, automatic login, preference settings for displaying pages, displaying recently viewed products, adjusting the displayed products to the user's preferences.

Based on cookies provided by third parties, analytical activities are also carried out - in particular based on the Google Analitycs tool.

At the same time, we also conduct marketing activities based on cookies. In this regard, we primarily use the functionality of Google Adwords. With the help of Google Adwords, we promote our website on third party websites and in search results. The purpose of using cookies in our marketing activities is to provide users with more personalized advertisements that reflect their individual preferences.

How to remove or limit the use of cookies? Blocking or deleting cookies is possible by changing the web browser settings. Information on how to delete or block cookies should be found in the "Help" tab of the web browser you use.
For example, we indicate that modification of cookie settings in popular web browsers is possible through the following access paths:
Google Chrome: Settings / Advanced / Privacy and security / Content settings / Cookies /
Mozilla Firefox: Options / Privacy and security / Cookies and site data.
Information such as IP (Internet Protocol) address, end device ID, end device type, end device parameters, operating system parameters, browser parameters, user interaction with the monitored website and data are saved to cookies and parameters collected by JavaScript codes and pixels. activity, time on the page, HTTP header parameters, marketing campaign parameters. The above data is collected based on the legitimate interest of the Administrator in order to identify ad fraud (pursuant to Article 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR) and will be deleted after 3 months at the latest.
Google reCAPTCHA v.3. The website uses Google reCAPTCHA v.3 offered by Google Ireland Limited ("Google"), a company registered and operating in accordance with Irish law (registration number: 368047), with its registered office at Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland - in to monitor user interactions on the website For more information on terms of use and data protection, please visit the following website and hl = en
© 2022. The complete or partial reproduction of any materials contained on this website without the written consent of the copyright holder is prohibited and prosecuted under EU law.
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Reg.Nr. 50203284171
VAT Nr.: LV50203284171
Legal Address: Bauskas Street 58A-15, Riga, LV-1004, Latvia

Warehouse Address: «Piepilsetas», Krustkalni, Kekavas Parish, Kekavas Region, LV-2111
By using this website, you agree to the use of cookies to help us make it better for you. More details